Monday, September 20, 2010

The Original Rose Rogers Round Robin

The Center by Georgia Seitz:

*R 6-2-2-6 close. Repeat from * 5 times.

2nd Round by Georgia Seitz:

Attach ball thread to the middle picot of any inner ring and begin to chain.

*Using shuttle 1: CH 3-(very small picot)4. Do not reverse work.

Using shuttle 2: R 3-2-2-2-3 close ring. Do not reverse work.

Using shuttle 1: CH 5, Do not reverse work.

Using shuttle 2: R 3+(join to last picot of previous ring) 2-2-2-2-2-2-3 close ring. Do not reverse work.

Using shuttle 1: CH 5, Do not reverse work.

Using shuttle 2: R 3+2-2-2-3 close ring. Do not reverse work.

Using shuttle 1: CH4-(very small picot) 3.

Shuttle join to the middle picot of the next ring.

Continue from * around, joining very small picots. Be sure to join the very last small picot to the very first very small picot.

3rd Round by Rose Rogers:

*R 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1, close. RW
CH 3-2-2-3, RW
R 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1, close. RW
CH 3-2-2-3, RW
R 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1, close. RW
CH 3-2+(to center picot of large ring in previous round) 2-3, RW
Repeat from * around.

4th Round by Barbara Bruyer:

Attach thread to center P of any ring in previous row.

CH 8-5-5-5-5-8. Skip one ring, join to center P of next ring in previous row. Continue around joining to center P of every other ring.

CH 4-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-4. Attach to space between chains in same place as the joins in previous round of chains. Continue around.

CH 4-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-4. Attach to space between chains in same places as the joins in previous round of chains. Continue around.

5th and Final Round by Amy Drake:

*Shuttle 1: R 7+(to 4th p of any chain in prev rnd) 4-4 RW

Shuttle 1: CH 3-3-3-3-3 RW

Shuttle 1: R 7+(to last p of prev ring) 4 +(to 5th picot of chain in prev rnd) 4-7 RW

Shuttle 1: CH 3 Do Not Reverse Work

Shuttle 2:
Clover R 3+(to last p of nearest chain)2--2--2-3
R 3+(to sm p of previous r) 1--1--1--1--1--1
R 3+(to sm p of previous r)2--2--2-3 DRW

Shuttle 1: CH 3 RW

Shuttle 1: R 7+(to sm p of previous ring) 4+(to 6th p of chain in previous round) 4-7 RW

Shuttle 1: CH 3 +(to sm p of last clover ring)3-3-3-3 RW

Shuttle 1: R 4+(to p of nearest ring)4+(to 7th p of chain in previous round) 7 RW

Shuttle 1: CH 10 Do not reverse work

Shuttle 2: Josephine knot of 10 half stitches, Do not reverse work

Shuttle 1: CH 10 RW*

Repeat from * to * 8 times, join last CH to base of first small ring.

Using DMC Perle Cotton # 8
Size: approximately 7 inches
Yardage: (one) 10 gram ball

Rose's Round Robin

Center and 2nd Round by Georgia Seitz

3rd Round by Rose Rogers

4th Round by Barbara Bruyer

5th and Final Round by Amy Drake