The Center by Georgia Seitz:
*R 6-2-2-6 close. Repeat from * 5 times.
2nd Round by Georgia Seitz:
Attach ball thread to the middle picot of any inner ring and begin to chain.
*Using shuttle 1: CH 3-(very small picot)4. Do not reverse work.
Using shuttle 2: R 3-2-2-2-3 close ring. Do not reverse work.
Using shuttle 1: CH 5, Do not reverse work.
Using shuttle 2: R 3+(join to last picot of previous ring) 2-2-2-2-2-2-3 close ring. Do not reverse work.
Using shuttle 1: CH 5, Do not reverse work.
Using shuttle 2: R 3+2-2-2-3 close ring. Do not reverse work.
Using shuttle 1: CH4-(very small picot) 3.
Shuttle join to the middle picot of the next ring.
Continue from * around, joining very small picots. Be sure to join the very last small picot to the very first very small picot.
3rd Round by Rose Rogers:
*R 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1, close. RW
CH 3-2-2-3, RW
R 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1, close. RW
CH 3-2-2-3, RW
R 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1, close. RW
CH 3-2+(to center picot of large ring in previous round) 2-3, RW
Repeat from * around.
4th Round by Barbara Bruyer:
Attach thread to center P of any ring in previous row.
CH 8-5-5-5-5-8. Skip one ring, join to center P of next ring in previous row. Continue around joining to center P of every other ring.
CH 4-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-4. Attach to space between chains in same place as the joins in previous round of chains. Continue around.
CH 4-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-4. Attach to space between chains in same places as the joins in previous round of chains. Continue around.
5th and Final Round by Amy Drake:
*Shuttle 1: R 7+(to 4th p of any chain in prev rnd) 4-4 RW
Shuttle 1: CH 3-3-3-3-3 RW
Shuttle 1: R 7+(to last p of prev ring) 4 +(to 5th picot of chain in prev rnd) 4-7 RW
Shuttle 1: CH 3 Do Not Reverse Work
Shuttle 2:
Clover R 3+(to last p of nearest chain)2--2--2-3
R 3+(to sm p of previous r) 1--1--1--1--1--1
R 3+(to sm p of previous r)2--2--2-3 DRW
Shuttle 1: CH 3 RW
Shuttle 1: R 7+(to sm p of previous ring) 4+(to 6th p of chain in previous round) 4-7 RW
Shuttle 1: CH 3 +(to sm p of last clover ring)3-3-3-3 RW
Shuttle 1: R 4+(to p of nearest ring)4+(to 7th p of chain in previous round) 7 RW
Shuttle 1: CH 10 Do not reverse work
Shuttle 2: Josephine knot of 10 half stitches, Do not reverse work
Shuttle 1: CH 10 RW*
Repeat from * to * 8 times, join last CH to base of first small ring.
Using DMC Perle Cotton # 8
Size: approximately 7 inches
Yardage: (one) 10 gram ball
Rose's Round Robin
Center and 2nd Round by Georgia Seitz
3rd Round by Rose Rogers
4th Round by Barbara Bruyer
5th and Final Round by Amy Drake
Center and 2nd Round by Georgia Seitz
3rd Round by Rose Rogers
4th Round by Barbara Bruyer
5th and Final Round by Amy Drake